Find a place of renewal.
Checking out a new church can be difficult. We want to make you feel at ease if you’re coming to visit for the first time. Here are some answers to questions you might have as you plan to visit!
Join us for worship!
Sundays at 11am
200 W Las Tunas Dr.
San Gabriel, CA 91776
Where do I park?
We have a parking lot behind our church with plenty of space, and a few spots right in front of our church on Las Tunas Drive. There are two gates into the parking lot, please enter from the gate to the left of the church (if you’re looking at our church building from the street).
If for some reason it’s full, you’re welcome to park in the Chase Bank parking lot as well! We try our best to reserve closer spots for seniors and for those with disabilities.
What is a worship service like?

Our worship service begins at 11 am on Sundays. It typically lasts between one to one and a half hours and includes engaging worship and a time of teaching that will help you get connected with God. Our worship team leads in mostly contemporary songs, sometimes with a blend of old favorites.
As a part of our faith tradition, we do scripture readings or prayers as a whole church body at the beginning of service. When this happens, we’ll have the passage or prayer for you to read along provided on the screen. We also sing a short doxology at the end of every service after a responsive time of worship.
“Praise God from whom all blessings flow,
Praise Him all creatures here below,
Praise Him above, ye heavenly hosts
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost”
It’s our hope that all who join us will find a sense of renewal in Christ through this time of worship together.

Where do my kids go?

Kids matter to us here at Renewal SGV. Your kids are welcome to stay with you during service, but we do provide a KidMin program made for pre-K through 5th grade. As you come in, you can ask an usher to help connect you with KidMin kids. We provide loving care, and age appropriate teaching and activities within a safe environment.
To help ensure the safety of children within our care, our volunteers have undergone background checks and basic training. We’ll ask you to fill out a form to help us make sure we have proper communications with you, and so we are aware of any allergies or medical needs your child may have.
If you have infants and children below 3 that may not be able to sit through service, we have a nursery available where you can livestream service while your child plays with the provided toys in a contained and safe area. At this time, children must be attended to by their parent or guardian at all times. There is a child sized restroom within the nursery for potty training toddlers.

Can I talk to the pastor?

Yes! Our pastor, Pastor Matt, is available immediately after the service for any questions or prayer requests. You can find him either at the front of the sanctuary or in the fellowship hall, where we serve refreshments for a time of fellowship. We also have dedicated elders who can do the same. If you need help finding someone, feel free to ask one of our ushers.
What does Refreshments & Fellowship look like?

After service, we invite everyone into our Fellowship Hall for a time of fellowship and light refreshments.
Refreshments are provided by different church members each week.
This is a great time of mingling and getting to know others.
Often times people will split off and go to lunch after this time of mingling.

Do you offer anything beyond Sunday?
Yes, we have a calendar of events that happen beyond Sunday service as well as our directory of life groups available.